Monday, July 6, 2009

♥One step forward ,Two steps back .

Listening to the song Not meant to be by theory of a deadman .First time the song finally got to me .A lot of thoughts are gushing through my brain at this very instance .Don't know what to say .Don't know what to do .I maybe a happy go lucky son of a bitch .I maybe a person who can smile his ass off regardless of how many problems are laid ahead of me .Maybe i am a person who can just joke around with anyone, at anytime ,at anywhere, regardless of how my mood is for that day .Confide ?Yes one person and only one .Thats all .Who else can i turn to ?What else can i do ?Hate this feeling within me now .Feeling that no one actually know what i am deep within. I am just a happy person with a hollow within .

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